Article by:
Austin Young
November 14, 2022
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EV Charger Incentives and Policies Present New Multifamily Opportunities in CA

With California hitting the milestone of 1 million plug-in electric vehicles sold, an electric vehicle (EV) charging site is a high-value and strategic amenity for multifamily properties. Studies show that despite representing only 10% of the automobiles in the US, California has over 40% of the nation’s zero-emission cars. One study by the California Energy Commission (CEC) estimates that we need 1.2 million public and shared EV chargers by 2030 to meet the demand of the projected electric vehicle usage. California has signaled its intent to electrify buildings and transportation with strong policies and incentives to decarbonize these sectors of the economy.

New Multifamily EV Charging Opportunities

California’s recent legislation banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 solidifies the future of EV charging needs in California. The state is making significant investments in transportation electrification over the next 5 years, including new programs and more funding for existing ones. These incentives allow multifamily properties to get ahead of the curve with EV charging. Not only does it increase property value, and attract and retain residents now, but it will also keep your property in high demand for years to come. Vehicle-to-Grid policies that are being explored could yield new energy optimization strategies and additional revenue in the future.

New legislation passed in 2022 will authorize the study of and potential changes to California building codes to incorporate multifamily EV charging. Instead of waiting for costly regulatory mandates, now is the time to act while funding for these resources is available. Multifamily owners can reduce their upfront investment by taking advantage of the EV charger incentives and rebates available now.

Below we’re covering the programs from the three largest utility companies. Many of these incentives already have a waitlist, so you must act quickly to take advantage of them. Contact us today to learn more about how to get ahead of the transportation electrification curve and integrate EV charging into your community! 

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

Charger Rebates

  • One-time rebate for single and dual port chargers, network service, and maintenance.
  • Not applicable to SDG&E-owned chargers.
  • L2 Single Port Charger
  • Equipment Rebate - 100% of charger cost up to $5,000
  • Network Service - up to $3,000
  • Maintenance - up to $5,000
  • L2 Dual Port Charger
  • Equipment Rebate - 100% of charger cost up to $7,000
  • Network Service - up to $5,000
  • Maintenance - up to $5,000

Power Your Drive Program

  • SDG&E-Owned Infrastructure, Customer-Owned Chargers
  • SDG&E pays for, constructs, maintains, and owns the infrastructure right up to the charging station
  • You pay for, construct, maintain, and own the charging station
  • Recover your costs with a rebate of up to 100% of the charging station.
  • Customer-Owned Infrastructure, Customer-Owned Chargers
  • SDG&E pays for, constructs, maintains, and owns all infrastructure up to the meter.
  • You pay for, construct, maintain, and own infrastructure from the meter to your charging station and the station itself.
  • A rebate covers up to 100% of the cost of the customer-side infrastructure.
  • An additional rebate is provided for up to 100% of the cost of the charging station.
  • SDG&E-Owned Infrastructure, SDG&E-Owned Chargers
  • Available only to sites in underserved communities that provide an easement to their property.
  • SDG&E covers 100% of the cost, construction, and maintenance of all infrastructure, including the charging station.

Southern California Edison (SCE)

Turn-Key Installation Program

  • Multifamily properties located in designated Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) are eligible for:
  • SCE program funds the design, construction, install, operation, and maintenance of the EV charging station.
  • Program participants will be responsible for the utility bill. However, fees charged to electric vehicle owners will reduce or cover that expense.

Charging Infrastructure and Rebate Program

  • Open to all multifamily residential properties that will install four or more EV charging ports:
  • SCE covers the cost and construction of system infrastructure up to the meter.
  • SCE will also handle the infrastructure from the meter to the charging station, or you can handle it and receive a rebate of up to 80% of SCE’s estimated costs for the work.
  • You handle the installation and maintenance of the EV chargers and receive a rebate for the purchase and installation costs.

New Construction Rebate Program

  • New construction of multifamily housing may be eligible for:
  • Rebates of up to $3,500 per EV charging port.
  • Available until 2025 or until all program funding is used.

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)

EV Fast Charge Program

  • EV Charge Sponsor
  • For multi-unit dwellings (MUDs) and properties in disadvantaged communities.
  • Program participants pay a one-time participation fee.
  • PG&E pays for and installs all infrastructure and EV chargers.
  • EV Charge Owner
  • PG&E covers the construction and maintenance of all infrastructure up to the EV charger.
  • They also cover a portion of the EV charger expenses.
  • Some sites qualify for a rebate of up to $25,000 per charger if they meet Disadvantaged Community (DAC) requirements.
  • The program requires the installation of at least 10 EV chargers per site.
  • Allows participants to define access to the chargers, including reserving for employees, fleets, or opening to the public.

Multifamily Benefits of New EV Charger Opportunities

These rebates and incentives give multifamily properties the opportunity to get ahead of the curve with EV charging. Not only does it increase property value and attract and retain residents now, but it will also keep your property in high demand for years to come. California’s recent legislation banning the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 solidifies the future of EV charging needs in California. All the more reason to reduce your upfront investment by taking advantage of the EV charger incentives and rebates available now.
