Article by:
Dover Janis
January 14, 2022
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2021 Year in Review with CEO Dover Janis

2021 was a fantastic year for the Ivy Energy team, full of challenges and accomplishments. While the Coronavirus pandemic held on to the spotlight, the Ivy team kept its foot on the gas and pressed on to be the best in the business, landing several high-profile multifamily housing clients. Meanwhile, our engineering and development team worked hard to optimize Virtual Grid by improving our implementation process. As a team, we look at what we want to sustain and improve while we experience so much growth. Team accountability and input are invaluable; each employee taking ownership and responsibility in their different areas was a huge key to our success last year and the momentum we are seeing coming into 2022.

As of recent sales and existing projects, Virtual Grid systems represent over $60M in avoided utility costs and 205,124 Metric Tons of CO2.

The Virtual Grid software combined with client Solar PV systems will help remove 205,124 Metric Tons of CO2 out of the Atmosphere, equal to 226,720,327 Pounds of Coal 23,081,371 Gallons of gas. Based on all the current systems in place now or currently underway, Ivy's clients will avoid over $60M in utility costs over the next 25 years. We could not have done this without Ivy's partners; Our goal is to double these figures in 2022!

Ivy achieved two significant victories in this year's NEM3 proceeding for multifamily buildings and their underserved energy consumers.

In the NEM 3.0 proceeding the Utilities (IOU's) tried to claim that all solar generation on a VNEM system was 100% exported and that because of their made-up definitions of how they "meter" VNEM systems, the science of Kirchhoff's electrical laws did not apply anymore when making their claim. Our team at Ivy energy saw this and knew it was a ploy to mislead a laggard market that may not notice their false remark. If it weren't for our small policy budget, we wouldn't have been able to let the world know the truth, and the NEM 3.0 decision released last month would likely have missed fixing that error if our team at Ivy did not take action. Luckily fact #182 made it onto the record and can advocate for this building type and customer class.

It is hard to pick the words to describe the feeling you get when things like this happen. It is a sad fact that the monopolies that have the most influential control over the cost of energy make a blatantly incorrect claim. A claim that luckily has been corrected without any dispute, and a declaration that would mean that any solar system used by renters and multifamily building owners would have around 50% of the energy improperly labeled as grid exports if it was not corrected. That energy being labeled as a grid export according to the NEM 3.0 proposal would equate to much lower compensation.

It is sad that the utilities that are supposed to be serving taxpayers were actually obscuring the truth. I am proud of our team at Ivy Energy for advocating for the little guys left behind and a market of brilliant investors (Our customers) who can help transform the energy industry and fix many of our energy grid infrastructure problems by investing in solar + storage projects on a decentralized grid. Thank you for helping us!

Ivy's innovative Virtual Grid was recognized by Solar World with their Top Solar Product Award in 2021

Every year the cleantech media outlet "Solar Power World" releases a list of Solar products that they think are the top products in the industry for that year. The way they describe how they choose which companies to feature is pretty simple "These are our top choices for the most innovative products announced and coming available soon. We expect these products to transform the solar installation market, all for the better." They have six categories, Top Solar Panels, Top Solar Mounting, Top Inverters, Top Storage, Top Solar Components, and Top Software and Monitoring Products. This year they selected Ivy Virtual Grid for Top Software and Monitoring Products! Ivy's team is very excited to be chosen for the award and thanks Solar Power World for the recognition.

Thank You

Here's my end-of-year remark to all of our partners, customers, users, investors, and industry friends. Thank you to everyone on our team for their hard work this year. Let's end 2021 proud that the beginning is just occurring and that by 2023 the multifamily market will be the hottest growing DER market in the country. Here's to a foundational year for the solar industry and specifically for shared real estate communities. We thank you for your support in 2021 and are excited to have your continued support throughout 2022!
